Based on the rewards calendar it is looking like Disney Magic Kingdoms is getting a second back to back Tower Challenge in late August.
The game normally releases new updates based on films at their time of release. But with several major Disney films delayed, notably Soul, Mulan, and Jungle Cruise, it is likely that events they had already begun working on are no longer possible. Tower Challenges, being a lot simpler and requiring only one new character, are now how they are filling this gap.
We know about this as on the August rewards calendar we can see we will be getting a 3 cocoa reward on the 27th, so that is about when the challenge will begin, especially considering most challenges start on Thursdays.
As for what will be added, we already know due to a leak that Emperor's New Groove characters are coming to the game. Tower Challenges usually come out with new permanent content, which is likely what Emperor's New Groove will be, with these characters helping you earn one new character from a preexisting event.
So who will that be?
The only guess I have is maybe a Mulan character. It would be easy to still release a Mulan character along with the live-action remakes old release date which was around this time. As long as the character is also in the animated film it would work out just fine.
We know for sure it won't be a character from Beauty and the Beast, Winnie The Pooh, or Aladdin as they were used in the Owl Tower Challenge, but really it could be anyone they quickly put together to be able to still have an August event.
We will keep you up to date as we find out more about this upcoming event.
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