Waitress The Musical is once again closing on Broadway. The show initially ended its run in January of 2020, just months before the Broadway shutdown due to COVID19. When Broadway reopened in fall of 2021, it was announced as one of the first two musicals that would be returning to Broadway, alongside Hadestown.
Waitress reopened at a new theatre, the Barrymore, on September 2nd, for a short run initially led by Sara Bareilles and several original cast members.
The new run of the show would be largely identical to the original Broadway production with a few notable changes. One significant change would be the addition of a line to the show in reference to a Live Your Life pie, in tribute to original cast member Nick Codero, who passed from COVID19 early in the pandemic after a months-long struggle.
Throughout its run, Waitress would have three full-time Jennas, with Jenifer Nettles and Ciara Renée taking on the role. Other significant cast members featured throughout the run would include Joshua Henry and Dakin Matthews.
This show is beloved by many, and this limited-run allowed thousands more people to enjoy this show live, and brought so many people back to Broadway, both to the cast and audience. It will be missed.
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