Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway is a new hit attraction based on iconic characters from the Mickey Mouse franchise located at Disney's Hollywood Studios and currently under construction in Disneyland. This ride takes you into a Mickey Mouse short and join the characters on an original adventure.
Here are 10 facts about this modern Disney Parks attraction.
1. Great Movie Ride
This attraction replaced the great movie ride, and a tribute to the attraction exists in the form of a poster within the ride.
2. Basis
This ride is primarily based on the modern series of Mickey Mouse shorts that have aired on the Disney Channel and Disney Plus.
3. 2 1/2 D
This ride utilizes a new Disney technology that they call 2 1/2 D. This allows 3D effects to be seen on projection screens without the use of 3D glasses.
4. Multiple Parks
While the original version of this ride is located in Disney's Hollywood Studios, a version of the ride is currently under construction in the back section of Mickey's Toontown in Disneyland.
5. Original Characters
While this ride primarily features various Mickey and Friends characters, the ride also features a variety of original characters including the bird Chuuby.
6. Preshow
The preshow for this ride is a unique Mickey short created for the ride known as Perfect Picnic.
7. Opening
The Disney's Hollywood Studios version of this ride opened on March 4th, 2020, just before Walt Disney World closed down due to the spread of COVID19 throughout the US.
8. Russi Taylor
This ride was one of the last times that longtime voice of Minnie Mouse Russi Taylor voiced the character prior to her death.
9. First Mickey Ride
This was the first ride through attraction ever based on Mickey Mouse. He had previously only appeared in stage shows and film attractions in the Disney Parks despite his overwhelming popularity.
10. McDonalds
To celebrate the opening of this ride, McDonalds offered Happy Meal toys based on this ride and Walt Disney World.
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