Which Marvel Characters From What If Appear in the Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness Trailer

Doctor Strange Statue Multiverse of Madness Trailer

The second trailer for Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness is out, and it appears to feature two characters from the Disney Plus original animated series What If.

The premise of the animated series What If focused on a variety of different universes similar to the main Marvel Cinematic Universe but different by one key characteristic. Each episode explored a different universe until the finale which included multiple universes. Two of these characters now appear to be making another appearance, now in live-action, for the Doctor Strange sequel.

A spoiler warning for What If and the Doctor Strange Trailer is in place for the remainder of this article.

Evil Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange With Many Hands Multiverse of Madness

The first is the Sorcerer Supreme. This is a variant of Doctor Strange from a universe where he attempted to prevent the death of his girlfriend, resulting in him becoming infinitely more powerful and destroying his own universe.

He was last seen in the series trapped in his own universe by The Watcher, a character who observes the various universes and serves as a narrator of sorts for the series, and protecting two other Marvel villains from the series.

In the trailer he is shown very much not trapped, with it seeming to show him as the villain of the film, although it remains to be seen if he is the main villain or not.

Zombie Wanda Covered In Webs What If Disney Plus

The other character appears in a blink and you miss it cameo. It appears that Zombie Wanda makes an appearance in the trailer. Zombie Wanda is a character from a universe where the world is taken over by zombies, and all of the superheroes become zombies with superpowers.

It remains to be seen what other characters may be making an appearance in this film.
