Disney Magic Kingdoms events typically all follow the same general style, except for Tower Challenges. Tower Challenges are entirely their own thing that operates completely differently than the main storyline or other Disney Magic Kingdoms events.
So today I am going to take you through a basic guide of tips and tricks for Tower Challenges. I am going to try and remain as general as possible so that this guide can be used every time there's a Tower Challenge, not just on a specific one.
So first a bit on the general operation of Tower Challenges.

Typically they operate in three stages or chapters. In each one, you have the opportunity to earn a character and attraction from a previous event. If you have already earned that character and attraction, then it will be available to use to help during this character.
So let's say in a hypothetical tower challenge that you had the opportunity to earn BB-8. Purchasing BB-8 with Maleficent coins that you earned through the event would then allow you to use BB-8 as an additional character for the rest of that chapter.
How you earn Maleficent coins is by sending a set of characters to challenge the tower. Each chapter has its own set of characters that can be used to challenge the tower. Typically this is a combination of pre-existing limited-time event characters as well as permanent content characters.
In each chapter, you also have the opportunity to earn tokens towards a final character that is the final prize of the entire tower challenge.
Be aware that if you are in the early stages of the game as a whole, it is very likely that you will not be able to finish the entire Tower Challenge. Tower Challenges can be difficult for even players at later stages to finish, so if you are in an earlier stage in the game my recommendation would be to focus on the characters and attractions that you missed from other updates. Typically they are reused on future Tower Challenges so in addition to helping you this time they will most likely help you in future events as well.
If you already have all or most of the characters and attractions offered, then go for the final character.
Also worth mentioning is that just because chapter one ends does not mean that the chapter one awards disappear. While the awards do not unlock until that chapter begins, they remain unlocked until the end of the event so you can still purchase chapter 1 rewards during chapters 2 and 3.

You can also earn some additional Maleficent coins when select attractions throughout the kingdom become enchanted by Maleficent, although this is a small number of Maleficent coins.
You can only send out a character once before they become tired however you can refresh them with refresher tokens. You earn these by sending a specific set of characters for each event on a task to earn refresher tokens, as well as them being available through a specific ad window in the update, and if you're willing to use gems a chest.
Be sure to start earning these right away as they are extremely useful.
There is also a featured character for each chapter that does not need refresher tokens and can be sent every single time without getting tired.
Each time you send characters to challenge the tower it takes two hours and you will earn a certain amount of points that allow you to earn smaller prizes, as well as Maleficent coins that you can use to purchase the bigger prizes of the event.
So now that you know how a Tower Challenge works, I'm going to explain how to prepare in general terms for the event.
Before each Tower Challenge, Disney Magic Kingdoms will typically announce either the specific characters being used or at least the character collections being used.
The higher level that a character is at, the more Maleficent coins they will earn in a Tower Challenge.
Your best way to prepare is when you find out what characters are going to be used, start leveling them up. Try to have at least one in each character collection at level 10, the maximum level, so they can earn the maximum number of Maleficent coins and when you are using the refresher tokens, only use them on the higher level characters.

If you are trying to prepare and you do not know what characters are going to be used for the next Tower Challenge, I would recommend focusing on leveling up permanent content characters (Mickey and Friends, Toy Story, Cinderella, Jungle Book, Emperor's New Groove, etc).
This is because these characters are typically used in every single Tower Challenge, as opposed to limited content collections (Moana, Incredibles, The Little Mermaid, Winnie The Pooh, etc) which might be used for this year's Tower Challenge but might not be used for another two years. If you know what limited content set is going to be used for a Tower Challenge, start leveling it up, but in general focus on permanent content.

So now some final recommendations before you start your next Tower Challenge on Disney Magic Kingdoms.
First, recognize where you are in the game. If you are early in the game and haven't done a lot of limited-time events then recognize you're probably not gonna get whoever the final character is, so take the event as an opportunity to start catching up. Earn that character or attraction that you really want but weren't around when it originally came out. You can and will catch up so don't get disappointed when you don't get the final character. You're not supposed to yet.

If you're further in the game, start early in the event and keep going. Make sure you prepare! If you do not have characters leveled up you aren't going to do very well, but if you know what you're doing in advance you can prepare and do better on each tower challenge.
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