5 Facts About Assassins The Broadway Musical


Assassins CSC Concert on Broadway at the Stephen Sondheim Theatre

Assassins is a musical written by iconic composer Stephen Sondheim and book writer John Weidman following the various successful and attempted assassins of US Presidents

Here are five facts about this classic Sondheim musical.

1. Added Song

Later productions of Assassins the musical have added an extra song near the end of the show, Something Just Broke, showcasing the aftermath of the assassination of JFK.

2. Broadway Revival

The first Broadway production of Assassins was considered to be a revival due to how long it took for the show to reach Broadway.

3. Other Sondheim Song

Assassin's also features a song from a previous musical that Stephen Sondheim had worked on in the past, alongside Lenord Bernstein, America from West Side Story.

4. Fictional Characters

In addition to the various successful or attempted assassins depicted in the musical, and the Presidents, a series of fictional characters also help tell the story.

5. Versions

There are several different versions of this show that exist, mainly defined by the original production, and the Broadway production, which changed several elements of the show's plot and combined characters.

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